Pippa L'Vinns
Tinsel & Tiaras Show
Second Half Downloads

All matches taken from the Tinsel & Tiaras show Dvd.
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Match 1
Pro-Style Match

Shelby vs Loxleigh vs Pippa

Shelby in a shiny blue swimsuit and mini skirt opposed the mighty
Pippa L'Vinn wearing a sexy lime green leotard and Loxleigh dressed in orange.
The match stipulation was to eliminate your opponent(s) by throwing them out of the ring.
All three ladies cautiously locked up before Loxleigh and Shelby teamed up to inflict pain on Pippa via a double clothes line.
Old rivalries came to fruition as Pippa was subjected to a series of painful situations.
Pippa, resilient as ever, sustained the multiple attacks before Loxleigh and Shelby turned on each other.
Who ended up victorious in this "Tremendous Triple Tussle ?".

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Approx 16 mins

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Match 2
Mat-Style Match


Skye vs Axel

Patience and skilled tactics were used to great effect in this Mat Based Battle.
Both ladies were seeking out their opponents' weaknesses and strived to exploit them.
Determination and concentration was demonstrated by the grapplers as every
limb and body part was put to the test.
An intriguing fight was enjoyed by an appreciative audience.

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Approx 12 mins

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Match 3
Mat-Style Match

Eva vs Eva Ray

Eva wearing a high cut red spandex leotard faced up against her namesake -
Eva Ray, who returned in her eye-catching black bra and briefs.
The ladies were of similar height and stature and were perfectly matched to display their mat based skills.
Eva Ray took advantage of Eva with a punishing legspread early on which looked to cause her some anguish.
Eva, undeterred, retaliated positively with a succession of scissor holds.
The wrestlers' skimpy attire did not inhibit their performance in any way
with some exemplary leg skills displayed throughout the contest.

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Approx 13 mins

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Match 4
Mat-Style Match

London vs Raven

London, who wore a red leotard, fought Raven dressed in a red bra and matching briefs.
Raven's early aggression was soaked up by London who fought back with strong use of her legs.
Raven even introduced a new hold to her rival with a cheeky "armpit tickle".
The wrestlers' showed immense strength during this fast paced and lively encounter.
Both ladies clearly enjoyed the competitive nature of this bout.

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Approx 12 mins

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Match 5
Pro-Style Match

Tinsel & Tiaras Rumble

The final match was to be decided by throwing an opponent out of the ring between the ropes.
Pippa L'Vinn was the first competitor in a stunning blue spandex leotard.
She was joined by the lively Eva who was followed at regular intervals by:
Shelby Beach, Skye, Vanquish, Loxleigh and finally Axel, as allegiances
were formed and then discarded as each lady fought to be the remaining sole survivor in the ring.
Two wrestlers' were eventually left standing to fight it out with the winner collapsing in exhaustion to the canvas !

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Approx 9 mins

Price £10
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