Pippa L'Vinns
Tinsel & Tiaras Show
First Half Downloads

All matches taken from the Tinsel & Tiaras show Dvd.
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Match 1
Mat-Style Match

Skye vs Shelby

Skye entered the ring wearing a vibrant all in one orange catsuit.
Crowd favourite Shelby was her opponent in a black bra and orange briefs.
Both ladies immediately took to the floor with Skye executing a leg scissors.
Shelby's response was rapid, working on Skye's left foot and thigh with a strong combination hold.
Shelby began to vary her holds to both the upper and lower parts of Skye's
body, though, soon found her rival to be very resilient; often cleverly escaping from potential pins.
A very good opening bout with both wrestlers displaying strength and determination.

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Approx 14 mins

Price £10
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Match 2
Pro-Style Match


Loxleigh vs Vanquish

Introduced as the "Nottingham Nightmare'', a vibrant Loxleigh adorned in a green
leotard took on Vanquish - wearing a black mesh all in one outfit.
Vanquish's initial lock- up was thwarted by Loxleigh by throwing her to the ropes, compounded with a clothes line and 2 count.
Loxleigh continued with a forearm smash - sending her pink haired rival into the turnbuckle.
The ladies were making full use of the ring with a furious exchange of varied holds and manoeuvres
including a spear from Loxleigh, resulting in a near pin.

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Approx 12 mins

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Match 3
Mat-Style Match

London vs Eva Ray

The southern "pocket rocket": London dressed in a white bra and orange trunks
opposed Eva Ray in a matching black bra and briefs.
Straight from the opening bell both ladies went for it and exerted speed, athleticism
and defiance in a constant tangle of legs and torsos.
London was very vocal during the bout, almost treating us to a running commentary
whereas Eva Ray was the "strong silent" type.
An exciting match from two young, enthusiastic grapplers.

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Approx 15 mins

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Match 4
Mat-Style Match

Raven vs Axel

Raven faced Axel with both combatants wearing festive outfits, including a Santa hat on Raven.
Raven started brightly and soon had her outfit "fatally adjusted" by Axel.
It was apparent that both had immense strength as a cradle hold by Raven was soon countered by Axel.
The audience were captivated; enjoying the guile and ingenuity displayed in
the ring and, to their credit, the wrestlers clearly enjoyed the contest.

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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Match 5
Pro-Style Match

Vanquish vs Eva

Vanquish returned for her second bout of the show.
Eva, her opponent, was strikingly dressed as one of Santa's little helpers.
Vanquish's arm bars looked to cause damage until Eva countered and placed
Vanquish in a headlock which brought cheers from the crowd.
To gain an advantage Eva would have overcome Vanquish's height advantage and greater strength.
Vanquish went through a whole repertoire of holds in a bid to defeat the plucky and spirited Eva.


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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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See page 2 for second half matches......