Live from The Wrestling Factory, Manchester, UK.
Saturday 23 March 2013: Show Report by Mark Lockey.
Referee: Paul Steel.
MC: Brett Linforth.
Corner Men: Dave and Andy.
PA (Sound) Andy.
Camera: Andrew.

Unexpected adverse weather conditions throughout the UK could not deter the wrestlers' or a great audience turnout for todays show.
Much credit must be given to everyone - the participants and the crowd !


Mat Based Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Viktoria v Jenna:
Hungary's Viktoria was first to enter the ring; proudly patriotic with her country's flag around her waist.
Her opponent: Jenna from the UK looked resplendent in her purple 2 piece outfit, with fishnet tights underneath.
A good takedown by Jenna from the opening bell let Viktoria know that she meant business.
A series of holds and counter holds were applied as each combatant sized each other up.
As the match progressed Viktoria threatened to take control, resisted by Jenna, until the pretty Hungarian took the lead, via a tap out.
Undeterred, Jenna responded positively and both girls became a mass of entangled legs.
An excellent scissors hold gained a pin, yet, almost immediately this was pulled back to make the score 2-1.
With 2 minutes remaining, the lead was extended to 3-1.
A hard fought, sporting contest and, a lively opener.

Mat Based Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Antscha v Venom:
Viktoria's fellow Hungarian, Antscha, continued the Europe v UK theme for the next match.
Her opponent was London's Venom, making her debut at the Wrestling Factory.
Antscha's initial advances were countered admirably by Venom's strong use of her legs. Venom was clinging to Antscha like a clam sticks to a rock !
The debutant forced Antscha to tap out to take a 1-0 lead.
A fascinating match was developing with the pretty blondes looking similar in both size and weight. This close, intense, battle was levelled via submission.
Both ladies continued to grapple for supremacy with painful looking leglocks, as the two bodies entwined as one, as a further lead was established at 2-1.
Antscha worked hard for the remaining 3 minutes and acquired 2 very close near falls.
With less than 1 minute remaining, a further fall was achieved to end this very evenly fought bout.

Pro. Style Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Lisa Fury v Sammi Hunter:
The popular Liverpool lass: Lisa Fury entered the arena for the first pro.style match of the day.
The second of today's debut girls: Sammi Hunter, from North of the border, opposed her.
Lisa exclaimed; " All the way from Scotland to lose ! "
Sammi remained calm and focused and avoided a war of words. Her opening exchange sent Lisa rolling out of the ring.
On returning to the action, Lisa was on the end of a near pin and 2 count. Lisa continued to warm up the crowd and was very vocal, going on the offensive throughout.
She countered Sammi's wristlock then, began biting her Scottish opponent before applying a Boston Crab......Sammi clambering to safety by grabbing the ropes.
Lisa was living up to her name by weakening Sammi with a scissors, in an effort to break the newcomer's resilience.
Continuous banter with the audience followed as Ms. Fury applied a series of stomps to her strong and silent opponent.
The match was concluded 2 minutes from the bell with a camel clutch submission.

Pro. Style Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Nikki Storm v Shelby Beach:
The England v Scotland theme continued when Nikki Storm climbed through the ropes in a colourful red outfit - with a pink woolly scarf !
The blonde bombshell, Shelby Beach, made her entrance to loud applause after acknowledging most, if not every member of the audience.
The Glaswegian opened up with an armbar; Shelby cleverly rolling out then, almost instantly acquiring a 2 count for a near fall.
This resulted in Nikki leaving the ring........if this was to conserve energy then, it backfired as Shelby followed her and both ladies began chasing each other around the arena.
Calm appeared to have been restored after this initial energetic opening when Nikki offered an olive branch to Shelby, stating; " Let's hug".
Nikki tricked Shelby by then kicking her and gaining a 1 count only from the hold that followed. Shelby came back strongly, forcing Nikki facedown, with a pin looking imminent. Nikki was glad of an escape by placing her foot on the ropes.
The Wigan bombshell continued the momentum by slamming Ms. Storm into the turnbuckle then, Shelby hoisted her into the air with a fireman's carry, leading to an aeroplane spin, concluding with a 2 count. The plucky Scottish lady would not lie down and with both girls apparently dazed from the aforementioned spin hold - came back at Shelby with an eye rake and slam. Shelby responded with power in a bid to break down her opponent using a scissors hold for a near winning 2 and a 1/2 count.
This fast and furious match finished when a 3 count roll up proclaimed a worthy winner.

Mat Based Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Jenna v Kyra:
A return to mat based action next as Jenna returned to the ring after the show's opener.
Making her first appearance of the day: Kyra, in the first all English bout of the event.
Kyra opted for traditional attire, wearing a lovely bright red leotard and black tights.
Jenna struck the opening blow by gaining a first submission very early on. She continued her all out attack but, any thoughts of a one-sided affair were soon forgotten as Kyra came back at her superbly......weakening Jenna's advances by forcing the palm of her hand on to her chin.
After another tight lock up between the two, Jenna was forced to tap out.
The contest was developing into a very even bout with Kyra gaining strength and confidence as the match progressed. Great sports(wo)manship was shown as holds and counter moves swung the match back and forth.
At 2 pins each the pattern of the match took shape with a series of takedowns by Jenna, repelled by Kyra.
Jenna took the next fall after an intense lock up to lead at 3-2.
Both girls began to mirror each others' holds of the legs, before crashing simultaneously to the canvas.
With the score of 4-2 in Jenna's favour, Kyra pulled the score back using every available limb of her opponent, including her toes !
A great match finished with one girl victorious by a close 5-4 scoreline.



Mat Based Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Pippa L' Vinn v Venom:
The first match after the interval featured the lady most of us come to see: Pippa L' Vinn, in a sexy figure hugging black one piece outfit.
Her opponent, making her reappearance after her debut match v Antscha: Venom, sporting a blue top and black shorts.
After such an impressive display in her first match, Venom would really be tested against the master of mat based grappling !
Pippa's advances were countered by the Londoner, wary of those magnificent leg holds that the Manchester lady was able to apply.
The audience were treated to a superb technical delight, with both wrestler's seeking to control the match.
Close lock-ups from both were used, legs and arms enlocked in a true test of strength and guile. Venom, clearly very experienced, was not overawed as the audience were rivetted in their seats.
Venom took the first advantage by gaining a submission to lead the match 1-0.
One could hear a pin drop, such was the intensity and concentration of the two superior wrestlers....how would Pippa seek to redress the balance ?
Pippa, straining every last sinew from her magnificent body, gained a deserving equaliser to level the score.
It also has to be said that this bout was very sporting; Pippa on two occasions acknowledging that she unintentionally had hold of Venom's hair.
This contest was so enjoyable that the 15 minute time limit just flew by in no time at all.
Both combatants received warm applause as the match concluded. Two supreme athletes providing a contest that was worthy of the admission fee alone.
Magnificent !


Pro. Style Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Nikki Storm v Sammi Hunter:
The third pro.style bout of the show brought together an all Scottish encounter: Glasgow v Dundee.
The ebullient Nikki facing her fellow country woman: Sammi.
Nikki forced the issue early on, attempting to work over her taller opponent with a series of wristlocks and armbars. Sammi was having none of it though and responded with a hip toss to briefly quieten Nikki.
Sammi started to use her superior height with Nikki screaming " she's breaking my arm ! ".
The Glaswegian girl then took time out to flex her muscles and, began flirting with the referee whilst Sammi looked on unimpressed.
The bout at this stage was only just gaining momentum when Sammi came close with a 2 count roll up.....Nikki responded with a headbutt and covered her adversary for a 1 count. A back rake followed, forcing Sammi on to the ropes. Nikki started to come back strongly and a camel clutch looked to have weakened Ms. Hunter considerably. However, Sammi always looked to have something in reserve and quietly went about her business.
Nikki, seemingly frustrated by her opponents' stubborn refusal to lie down, stood on Sammi's hair - for which she received a caution from the referee.
As the match edged towards its time limit both girls went for it, resulting in a superb takedown and roll up to gain a victory.


Mat Based Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Lisa Fury v Antscha:
Lisa Fury ventured into somewhat unfamiliar territory with a mat based contest, though, gave a great account of herself in a previous match of this nature at the Uprising event when she faced Viktoria. Today, she opposed Viktoria's Hungarian ally: Antscha.
As the bell sounded for the start, both girls locked up with Lisa able to add her pro. style experience by using throws as well as holds.
Antscha went for it right from the off, establishing a 2-0 lead via submission and camel clutch, respectively.
The Hungarian, clearly confident from her initial superiority, proceeded to lift and carry Lisa. However, always positive and vibrant; Lisa retaliated strongly, gaining a submission with good use of her legs, pegging the score back to 2-1.
The match then exploded into life with a selection of spectacular throws from both ladies.....Antscha regained control taking a 3-1 lead.
Lisa, though on the back foot for some parts of this match was an absolute credit, remaining cheerful and positive with some cute "uh-oh's" when in troublesome holds from her opponent......one simply cannot resist her appealing aura in the ring, even gaining her 3rd pin with great use of her assets to smother Antscha.
A high scoring, fun filled, sporting contest, greatly enjoyed by both the wrestlers' and the crowd.

Mat Based Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Kyra v Pippa L' Vinn:
Pippa climbed through the ropes in a black adidas swimsuit and tights. Facing her: Kyra, adorned in her costume from her previous bout v Jenna.
This student v teacher battle was really going to test Kyra, with one of the quickest submissions witnessed as Pippa forced the pretty blonde to tap out with only 30 seconds gone. Pippa was in no mood to be mess around and established her superiority gaining a lead at 2-0 via a folding press and another submission to an amost unassailable lead at 3-0.
Pippa's defiant mood was taken aback somewhat when Shelby Beach entered the ring to link up with Kyra in a 2 v 1 contest.
The surprise element of Shelby's emergence certainly looked to have caught Pippa unaware as the two blondes foreced the scoreline back to 3-1.
What started as a Mat Based Match then developed into a Pro Style Bout, with Pippa having to cope with 2 opponents, double teaming !
Kyra seemed inspired by her additional partner in crime and took the match to Pippa, knowing she had the comfort zone of Shelby in her corner to call on.
Pippa stood defiant and aimed a low kick at Shelby as the match took on a frantic pace before a winner emerged.

Mat Based Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Venom v Viktoria:
The penultimate match of today's event brought back Venom, in yet another costume change - proudly displaying the words " Fighting Girls" on the back of her shorts.
Viktoria entered the ring in a black bra and red briefs.
A ferocious start erupted as Venom slammed Viktoria to the canvas. A vehement battle between the two blondes took place with both girls applying hard take downs; though, both coped admirably with each others' determined manner.
Utter concentration continued as Venom, yet again, gained so much respect from her first show, giving such a good account of herself against someone of Viktoria's stature.
A lead was taken by one lady and this narrow margin remained throughout with stubborn resistance from both fighters.
A 2-0 victory was the final score as one girl tapped out, close to the end of the time limit.
A great match.


Handicap Match: Pro. Style Contest: 15 minutes duration:
Red Hot Mama's v Lisa Fury & Sammi Hunter & Nikki Storm.
The final bout of today' show brought back Pippa L' Vinn and Shelby Beach - united as one in their team of the Red Hot Mama's.
As they warmed up confidently, Lisa Fury came to the ring in a colourful pink and purple two piece outfit. She then called out her next partner - Sammi Hunter to create their tag team. They were not yet finished though and, both summoned another girl from the locker room area to jon them: Nikki Storm.
The Mama's were clearly going to have their work cut out with the presence of three opponents.
Pippa took on Lisa first before Ms. Fury went running to her corner. This gave Pippa the opportunity to tag Shelby in as she, in turn, faced Nikki Storm.
Frequent changes in personnel seemed to be the order of the day for this match and the referee had a hard task establishing the legal wrestlers' in the ring at any one time. A close match with neither team able to dominate was brought to a close when all 5 girls were in the ring at the same time.
A pile on concluded the bout with the losing team unable to remove the victorious grapplers from covering them.


A wonderful show with everything (and more) one could ask for - intense Mat Based action that really caught the imagination of the audience, complemented by fast paced Pro.style excitement.
Some superb performances, including exciting, eye-catching debuts from the new girls Venom and Sammi Hunter. Hopefully they will both return to the show very soon.
Yet again another magnificent triumph for all who took part and especially to Pippa.
One can only fully appreciate how hard this wonderful lady works when you are present at a live event.
Arranging, performing, hosting and looking after all of the girls on the card plus, she always takes time out for her audience as well.
Not only is she without doubt the hardest working wrestler in the UK but, the loveliest person you could ever wish to meet.
For those of us fortunate enough to have witnessed the action - we all felt honoured just to have been there, braving wintry elements along the way.
For anyone who missed the show - do the next best thing and buy the DVD - you will not be disappointed and come along next time - I guarantee you will be hooked !
A Special mention to Dave: Welcome Back - the previous show just wasn't the same without you.
A Special Thank You to Pippa and all of her team who work so hard to bring us such wonderful entertainment....
Next Show:
Saturday 29 June 2013
Mark Lockey