Pippa L'Vinns
Santa Claws
Second Half Downloads

All matches taken from the Santa Claws show Dvd.
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Match 1
Mat-Style Match

Raven vs Phoenix

The ever smiling Raven; festively attired in a Christmas bikini, challenged Phoenix - also making her second appearance of the day.
Raven started strongly, guiding Phoenix into a waistlock legscissors in which the newcomer did well to escape from.
The tenacious Phoenix was proving to be a slippery customer for the assertive Raven.
Raven decided that her legwork was the best form of attack and she had Phoenix in some compromising holds.
After early pressure om Raven, Phoenix began to grow in confidence to fight her way back into the match
and, even used her assets to smother Raven on one occasion.
An enjoyable contest, fully appreciated by the audience.

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Approx 13 mins

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Match 2
Pro-Style Match


Loxleigh & Shelby vs Pippa & Eva

The two great rivals: Pippa and Shelby commenced the bout.
We've seen them tussle many times but, never tire of their rivalry in the ring.
Pippa landed an early 2 count that seemed to startle Ms Beach. Pippa, though, was rolled up for a 2 count by her blonde rival just moments later.
Loxleigh was tagged in and Pippa set about her in a frenetic fashion; her pristine white swimsuit emphasising her fabulous figure.
Loxleigh's response was rapid; Shelby joined her as they set about Ms L'Vinn, viciously spreading her
legs before Shelby continued to attack Pippa's vulnerable limbs.
Both wrestlers rolled each other up for a succession of two counts.
Eva teamed up with Pippa to attack Shelby - twisting and contorting her legs.
Shelby, now weakened, was hoisted high by Pippa into an aeroplane spin and that sent her tumbling
to the canvas before Pippa attempted a unique pin; cleverly countered by Shelby.
Loxleigh then opposed Eva, with Shelby's partner lifting Eva with ease until intervention from Pippa who caught Loxleigh with a painful looking low blow.
A highly entertaining contest with an ingenious and inventive submission hold, maximising the teamwork ethic.

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Approx 14 mins

Price £10
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Match 3
Mat-Style Match

Axel vs Lisa

Lisa, in a lime green thong style leotard, faces Axel, also returning for her second contest today.
Axel, wearing a black sparkly full sleeved dance leotard, was taken down to the canvas as Lisa's initial fort of a camel clutch developed into a waistlock scissorhold.
Lisa turned up the heat by compounding the move with a headlock.
Axel reacted positively, making Lisa's left arm the point of attack; though, the ropes provided a safety net for the Liverpool lass.
Lisa then startled her opponent by using her considerable assets to smother her, much to the amusement of the audience.
Axel was then subjected to another suffocation threat by the buoyant Lisa and the plucky newcomer exchanged good, witty banter with the crowd at her predicament.
Axel concluded that attack was the best form of defence and gave Lisa a dose of her own medicine with the spread-eagled Ms King screaming in anguish.
With axel gradually finding her way into the bout Lisa needed to up her game to stave off her rivals' advances and threats.
A light hearted, high spirited contest.

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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Match 4
Mat-Style Match

Axa vs Laken

The penultimate bout featured Axa in a silver bikini against Laken, attired in a festive red swimsuit and white knee-high socks.
Axa secured a waist high leglock as Laken struggled to escape her clutches.
Both grappled for supremacy with Laken showing incredible dexterity in her legs.
With a fascinating contortion of limbs, the combatants stubbornly refused to give in with admirable determination.
Laken applied a vice-like grip to the silver suited Axa who relentlessly swivelled and twisted her
legs in vain, to escape the brunette's clutches.
The advantage in this match swayed from one wrestler to the next and became unpredictable, yet
compelling viewing; such was the variety of manoeuvres and holds used throughout

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Approx 14 mins

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Match 5
Pro-Style Match

Santa Claws Rumble

Lisa King, Raven, Shelby Beach, Loxleigh, Eva, Axel, Phoenix and Laken compete in the show finale.
The match commences with Lisa v Raven and, the others joining the affray individually at regular intervals.
One wrestler was eventually left celebrating victory until a mysterious masked sumo wrestler enters the ring.
Who wins this fast and furious free for all ?

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Approx 11 mins

Price £10
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That's All Folks......