Taken From the Judgement Day Show Dvd

Lisa Fury

Mat Based Contest:

The ever popular Liverpool lass Lisa Fury made her entrance, in a vibrant pink with black striped 2 piece outfit.
Her opponent, another factory newcomer: Steph, in a purple bra top and black bikini briefs.
Lisa laid down strict instructions to her adversary " Do not pull my hair !".
Battle commenced with Ms Fury securing a camel clutch, Steph, undeterred, came back at her strongly with a waist lock of her own. These two lovely ladies made a very watchable contest as they both interlocked with scissors holds ands smothers.



Steph was first to gain a fall and went 1-0 up via tap out; then, Lisa levelled with a similar hold. Lisa's very vocal performance seemed to inspire her further as she advanced into a 2-1, then 3-1 lead as she threatened to take control.
Steph had other ideas and reduced the deficit to 2-3 via a facesit and pin.
The high scoring continued as each time one lady gained a winning hold, it was subsequently pulled back to produce a lively,
high scoring encounter.
A narrow 6-4 victory was secured at the conclusion of the match. A fabulous contest between two beautiful girls with an impressive debut from Steph.

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Approx 14 mins

Price £9
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