Pippa L'Vinns
Girls Gone Wild!
Second Half Downloads

All matches taken from the Girls Gone Wild show Dvd.
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Match 1
Mat-Style Match

Raven & Pippa vs Ashley & London

To start off the second part of the show we have a tag match
Pippa partners up with Raven to take on new buddies Ashley and London
Could the experienced Pippa and Raven be in for something of a shock
As their opponents appear to be full of energy and drive.
Do they know something we don't?

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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Match 2
Mat-Style Match


Lisa vs Aurora

An enticing match in prospect for us to watch here as newcomer Aurora takes on the mighty Lisa!
Both ladies look stunning in their costumes of choice as they enter the ring
Lisa may think she has nothing to worry about, but the scores are levelled up quickly by Aurora
Watch out for those scissors Lisa!

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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Match 3
Pro-Style Match

Loxleigh vs Silver

Loxleigh surely has the power and experience to overcome the lithe Silver
Both ladies well versed in professional wrestling etiquette, this should be a great match to enjoy
Overall, a very difficult match to call this as any mistake could cause the loss of the match
See who winds this epic battle.....

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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Match 4
Pro-Style Match

Shelby vs Pussy Willow (rematch)

Really looking forward to this match as the two powerhouse wrestlers lock up!
Strength, power and superb ability could describe the attributes of both ladies as they square up to each other for a second time
A very energetic and fast paced match ensues with lots of the usual Pussy willow banter
Great to watch two experienced wrestlers at the top of their games....

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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Match 5
Pro-Style Match

Lisa, Pippa & Shelby vs Eva, Loxleigh & Silver

The final match of the show ends unusually with a 3-way tag match
Featuring most of the Pro-style talent appearing on the show
Pity the poor referee as he tries to keep this gaggle of girls within the rules!
As usual, a great end to another show and the last ever to be filmed at this location.......


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Approx 14 mins

Price £10
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That's All Folks!......