Pippa L'Vinns
Candy Cane Crush Show
Second Half Downloads

All matches taken from the Candy Cane Crush show Dvd.
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Match 1
Mat-Style Match

Inferno vs Sheela

Inferno, making her first appearance of today's show, takes on the returning Sheela.
Inferno's opening leglock has Sheela screaming in pain as she frantically bridges to escape the redhead's clutches.
Inferno, bouncing and bubbly with confidence, falls victim to the resolute Shella's scissor hold.
The ingenuity and improvisation of both ladies is admirable as they grapple with relentless speed and strength.
Both wrestlers' successfully incorporate pro. style holds - such as boston crabs and body slams - into a mat based contest.

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Approx 13 mins

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Match 2
Pro-Style Match


Dominita & Autumn Rose vs Shelby & Luna K

Dominita and Shelby reprise the rivalry from their previous match.
It's Autumn vs Shelby to commence the fight with both ladies acquiring near pins.
Luna enters the ring as Autumn's confidence grows with a drop toe hold and chin lock.
Dominita then gets tagged in as she opposes Shelby.
The bout's atmosphere increases as unfinished business between the two is resumed.
The frantic pace is continued as frequent tags are made within the ring, leading to an exciting climax.

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Approx 9 mins

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Match 3
Mat-Style Match

Axel vs Lottie

After the excitement of the tag match, a calmer fight is up next.
Axel and Lottie take to the canvas using strategy and thoughtful manoeuvres to try and pin one another.
Both wrestlers' are of similar height and weight that makes for an extremely competitive and hard fought match.
The contest is performed within the rules and provides the audience with a sporting encounter from two gracious women.

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Approx 12 mins

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Match 4
Mat-Style Match

Raven vs Inferno

Raven attired in a full sparkly festive costume including santa hat and cloak, takes on Inferno - dressed in a black bra and matching briefs.
Raven's opening hold is thwarted by Inferno's vice-like grip.
These ladies know each other well and so a battle of wits is undertaken to try and overpower the other.
After an excellent hip toss, Raven uses her hat to her advantage by restricting Inferno's vision whilst she applies a legspread to her visually impaired rival.
Inferno recovers well and gets Raven in a boston crab.
Raven uses her strength by applying a fireman's carry and aeroplane spin
As the women use their knowledge and experience to contribute to a wonderfully entertaining match.

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Approx 13 mins

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Match 5
Pro - Style Match

Candy Cane Crush Rumble

The show finale features a Rumble.
First into the ring, the one and only Pippa L'Vinn.
Inferno is first to challenge her, followed at regular intervals by: Shelby, Eva,
Autumn Rose, Lottie, Dominita, Laken and Luna K.
It's each lady for herself in this ruthless battle to become the Candy Cane Crush Queen !

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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