Pippa L'Vinns
Candy Cane Crush Show
First Half Downloads

All matches taken from the Candy Cane Crush show Dvd.
Dvd Now On Sale @ £40


Match 1
Mat-Style Match

Laken vs Lottie

The first match features Laken; attired in a festive leotard, against Lottie, wearing a high-cut black leotard.
An intense struggle ensues with both ladies grappling to achieve the upper hand early on.
As one audience member stated: " There's a lot of puffing and panting ! ".

A lively opening bout with excellent legwork and scissor-holds displayed throughout the contest.

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10

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Match 2
Pro-Style Match


Luna K vs Eva

Luna K wearing a green two piece outfit takes on " Woman of the Year ": Eva.
Eva flies out of her corner and gains a 2 count over the startled Luna.
The domination continues with a drop toe hold.
Luna cleverly throws Eva into the near corner as she plots her comeback.
Luna's speed and athleticism results in a near pin with Eva kicking out to the count of 2.

A fast and furious encounter with both ladies displaying a full range of holds.

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Approx 9 mins

Price £10
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Match 3
Mat-Style Match

Raven vs Sheela

The ever smiling Raven adorned in a red bra and matching tights/leggings
locks up with Sheela for the second Mat Based match of the show.
Raven's experience and strength comes to the fore early on with a series of impressive scissor holds.
Both hats are discarded as the ladies continue their tussle with spirited aggression.
Raven applies an aeroplane spin in an effort to disorientate Sheela.
Some amazing legwork from Raven does little to dampen Sheela's determination
as her flexible limbs impress the audience.

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Approx 12 mins

Price £10
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Match 4
Pro-Style Match

Shelby vs Dominita

Golden Girl Shelby enters the ring first before being joined by her fierce opponent - the powerful and charismatic Dominita.
The scene is set with the opening move as Dominita lands a low blow with her knee to Shelby's sensitive area.
Shelby more than matches her rival for strength as both wrestlers' strive for supremacy.
An intriguing battle continues at a frantic pace with Shelby's pro. style experience against Dominita's incredible strength.
Dominita displays an exercise in multi-tasking as she is able to communicate with the audience
even when being subjected to the fiercest of holds by Shelby.
Audience participation is taken to the next level as both women take their fight into the crowd

A strong and powerful match.

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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Match 5
Scissors Only Match

Axel vs Laken

The returning Laken matches up against the sprightly Axel.
After a thoughtful and cautious opening, both wrestlers lock up with a tangle of legs.
Laken shows initiative with a clever manoeuvre that develops into a waist lock scissor-hold.
Axel, not to be outdone, retaliates with admirable stubborn and intense determination.
The audience were clearly appreciating the incredible efforts playing out before them.

The contest is a classic example of concentration and durability in the ring.

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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Match 6
Pro-Style Match

Eva vs Autumn Rose

The speed of both ladies was apparent from the opening bell.
Eva and Autumn Rose exchanged holds using the full area of the ring in which to demonstrate their respective skills.
Eva almost fell victim to an early pin, kicking out at the count of 2.
Eva came back strongly by forcing Autumn to reach out for the safety of the ropes, unsuccessfully.
Autumn was slammed to the canvas with powerful forearm smashes.
Undeterred, Autumn Rose composed herself and had Eva pleading for a "Time Out" whilst spreadeagled in the corner.
The bout turned into an unpredictable contest as both wrestlers' strived to overpower each other.

A closely fought, superb exhibition of pro. style wrestling.

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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See page 2 for second half matches......