Pippa L'Vinns
Atomic Bombshells Show
Second Half Downloads

All matches taken from the Atomic Bombshells show Dvd.
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Match 1
Pro-Style Match

Eva vs Kat

A swift clinch sees Eva force a wrist lock on her rival.
This opening hold is countered by Kat into a waistlock.
The ladies go at each other at breakneck speed and 2 count roll ups were delivered by both,
receiving applause and appreciation from the crowd.
Eva and Kat revel in this opportunity to showcase their talents and execution of some fine holds.
Eva applies a legspread and figure four leglock to test Kat's pain threshold, though, this is effectively reversed by the impressive Kat.

Who will ultimately be victorious in this spectacular display of pro. style wrestling ?

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Approx 15 mins

Price £12
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Match 2
Mat-Style Tag Match


Kelly & Axel vs Sabrina & Storm

In this pins only Tag Match, Axel opposed Storm to commence proceedings.
Their respective allies are then tagged in to continue the momentum of a swimsuit vs bikini battle.
Kelly uses her power and strength in a bid to overcome Sabrina.
Storm lives up to her name as she emerges from her corner at lightning speed.
Much credit to both as they do not allow their skimpy attire to restrict their movements and manoeuvres.
Axel and Sabrina get to grips before Storm enters the action.

The enthusiasm and energy from all four women is acknowledged by the audience
in this fast paced and high scoring contest.

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Approx 12 mins

Price £10
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Match 3
Pro-Style Match

Dominita vs Loxleigh & Shelby Beach

In a unique 2 v 1 match Loxleigh faces the force that is Dominita.
As in her previous fight Dominita embarks upon plenty of banter with the audience
and, in addition to her unquestionable strength she is also a very charismatic performer.
Loxleigh matches her hold for hold as they go at it toe to toe before Shelby is tagged in.
Shelby severely tests the power of her rival and uses her vast experience
to apply a series of quality holds in an effort to weaken the resolve of Dominita.

A fascinating contest with three seasoned professionals displaying their skills and talents for all to see.

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Approx 20 mins

Price £12
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Match 4
Mat-Style Match

Lottie vs Ivy Rain

In this penultimate match Lottie in a leopard print bikini and tights
challenges Ivy Rain, dressed in an animal print two piece.
Lottie starts out on top with Ivy Rain straining to resist as early pin.
Ivy Rain uses her leg strength to bridge out of a potential pin as
excellent close up camera work captures the intense nature of the hold.
Ivy applies a bearhug and compounds the hold with a breast smother that has Lottie in trouble.

Both ladies are clearly enjoying their match and the ambience and
determination is transmitted to the audience who fully appreciate this bout.

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Approx 13 mins

Price £10
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Match 5
Pro-Style Match

Atomic Bombshells Rumble !

It's Pippa L'Vinn vs Loxleigh to commence this match.
They are joined at regular intervals by Kat, Shelby Beach, Dominita, Eva and Kelly, respectively.
Alliances are formed then swiftly broken as the ladies fight to stay in the ring to become the sole survivor.

This fast paced bout delivers a frantic show finale before the winner is crowned Queen of the Atomic Bombshells !

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Approx 8 mins

Price £10
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That's All Folks!!