Pippa L'Vinns
Angels Of Anarchy Show
Second Half Downloads

All matches taken from the Angels Of Anarchy show Dvd.
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Match 1
Mat-Style Match

Inferno vs Raven

After the initial, mutual leg locks, Raven in a black bikini, hoisted Inferno into the air then,
manoeuvred an aeroplane spin before crashing the red head to the canvas and covering her for a pin.
Raven maintained her attack: clamping Inferno in a waistlock scissor hold.
Inferno, to her credit, evened the scoring by securely pinning Raven's shoulders for a count of 3.
With honours even, who would take charge of the match ?
Raven adopted a new approach, using her assets to punish her rival.
The ever-smiling Raven was clearly enjoying this bout.
Excellent techniques were unfolding inside the ring with clever use of the legs from both ladies.
A fun, friendly and sporting contest.

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Approx 13 mins

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Match 2
Pro-Style Match


Roxxi & Rogue vs Loxleigh & Eva

Roxxi and Rogue are both similarly attired in green swimsuits.
Their opponents: Loxleigh and Eva are dressed as Supergirl and Wonder Woman, respectively.
It's Roxi v Eva to start the proceedings; Eva's powerful wristlock is reversed, though, this is in
turn used against her as Eva tosses her to the canvas.
Eva craftily brings Roxxi to her knees with a vicious stamp on her vulnerable left foot.
The two continue to grapple with Eva cleverly out foxing her rival time and again.
Loxleigh joins the affray and a double team effort clothesline sends Roxxi down to the ring floor.
Roxxi's frustrations summoned up the strength within her and she at last had Eva in trouble before tagging Rogue in to the ring.
Rogue picked up the baton and continued the onslaught as Eva looked in dire need of assistance.
Roxxi and Rogue gained momentum and, teamed well to turn around the earlier dominance of their superheroine adversaries.
Will Eva be defeated or, can Loxleigh save her partner ?

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Approx 13 mins

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Match 3
Mat-Style Match

Lisa King vs Raven

Lisa raised the temperature amongst the crowd in a red bikini.
Raven, however, wasted no time in setting about the Liverpool lass with an aeroplane spin.
Taking advantage of Lisa's disorientated stance, Raven was able to capitalise by clamping a scissor hold to the waist.
Raven then provided an awesome feat of strength by lifting Lisa and compounding the move by
placing her foot firmly into Lisa's most sensitive body part.
Undeterred, Lisa reacted positively with a Boston crab. Both ladies were clearly enjoying their exchanges.
There were plenty of "unorthodox" holds and positions during this highly enjoyable fight, which the crowd also warmed to.

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Approx 13 mins

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Match 4
Pro-Style Match

Pippa L'Vinn vs Shelby Beach

20th Anniversary Celebration Grudge Match:

A special presentation was made to both Pippa and Shelby in the ring before the contest, in honour of the 20 year association with the PGWA.
Now, two decades on both ladies still look as fabulous as ever.
Pippa wearing a dark blue swimsuit opposed her great rival, who was attired in a purple costume. This was a one fall grudge match with old school rules.
Now it was down to business; Pippa cleverly deceived Shelby from the opening bell, faking a high reach
by going low and tumbling the blonde to the canvas, using Shelby's left arm and leg simultaneously as the points of attack.
Pippa compounded the hold with arm bars and vicious twists of the wrist.

Shelby used Pippa's agile movement to her own advantage, enabling her to toss Pippa over her left shoulder; an incredible reversal.
Pippa was kept down by the aid of a severe wrist lock; twisting her legs and bridging unsuccessfully as Shelby sought to take control of the bout.
Pippa countered well, bouncing Shelby off the ropes and throwing a clothes line into the mix, then,
beckoning the crowd for an acknowledgement of her excellence.
Shelby used her initiative to full effect and caught Pippa unaware, rolling her up for a near pin.
Both wrestlers were now beginning to shine; their full repertoire and expertise being demonstrated
admirably with a succession of classic holds and moves with Pippa screaming to the mesmerised crowd: "Old school baby !".
Both ladies made full use of the ring as they grappled for supremacy in this special match.
Clear determination was visible as neither wanted to lose the contest.

Time and again the audience expressed their appreciation of the classic exchanges being displayed before them.
Pippa once again attempted to dominate the proceedings, working intensely on Shelby's arms
and elbows before she was able to grab the rope to release the hold.
Shelby spectacularly span around in the air, using the top rope, kicking out at Pippa's leg which crashed her to the floor in pain.
Now it was Shelby's turn to show her prowess, tossing Pippa in the air and into the corner of the ring.
Pippa was taking severe punishment with the referee having to check she was OK.
Shelby, following up, was then dealt a crunching low blow which brought howls of pain, shared by
the crowd as they appreciated the severity of her discomfort.

With Shelby disorientated in the turnbuckle; Pippa indicated that the end was near for her rival.
A spectacular waist suplex brought Shelby crashing down as Pippa came close to victory with a 2 count.
Shelby counteracted with 2 slaps followed by a full nelson before Pippa was dropped down and clamped with a waist lock scissor hold.
Pippa, not to be outdone, responded with a low blow from her knee, much to Shelby's disapproval.
Seeking further punishment, Pippa rolled Shelby up and used a discreet crotch hold and claw before Shelby kicked out.
The action continued at a manic pace.
Neither wrestler was showing any signs of faltering and their energy and enthusiasm was to be greatly admired.

Who eventually wins this epic battle of classic wrestling ?

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Approx 15 mins

Price £10
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