Pippa L'Vinns
No Justice Show
First Half Downloads

All matches taken from the No Justice show Dvd.
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Match 1
Pro-Style Match

Shelby vs Supa Nova

The first match of the show features Shelby Beach, wearing a peach coloured top and black briefs.
Her opponent: Super Nova looks imposing in her colourful swimsuit and fishnet tights.
Shelby strives to take command, though this is thwarted by Super Nova.
A great battle ensues with Shelby's experience up against the strength and power of her formidable looking rival.
Shelby's clothesline sends Super Nova crashing to the canvas compounded by a leg hold.
The ropes and turnbuckles are used to great effect throughout the course of the bout.
An intriguing contest gets the event off to a flying start !

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Approx 12 mins

Price £10
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Match 2
Mat-Style Match

Raven vs April Paisley

Raven, wearing a black bra and mini-skirt with tights, opposes April Paisley dressed in a green and black bikini.
A commanding series of waistlock scissors applied by Raven shows April the force she is up against.
Raven's arm strength is apparent but April is proving to be a slippery customer with speed and determination in the ring.
Will Raven's confidence take her to victory or will April's deceptive strength and guile take the match ?

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Approx 11 mins

Price £10
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Match 3
Pro-Style Match

Luna K vs Lila

Luna K wears a striking purple velvet bra and briefs, with her opponent - making her show debut - sporting a pink bikini.
This is an extremely fast paced match with two lively ladies giving it their all with much enthusiasm.
Some powerful holds are exchanged as both wrestlers' are keen to show their expertise and ring skills.
A terrific contest that contains some spectacular moves.

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Approx 9 mins

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Match 4
Mat-Style Match

Axel vs Rosie

Axel's black swimsuit complements Rosie's bright, high cut bikini.
In complete contrast to the previous match this mat based encounter really delivers.
Axel applies a punishing and painful looking neck hold.
Rosie, undeterred, comes back strongly, wrapping her legs forcefully around her adversary's waist.
Thoughtful precision is used by both grapplers in an effort to dominate proceedings as the match rocks back and forth.
Who will prevail in this closely fought contest ?

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Approx 12 mins

Price £10
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Match 5
Mat-Style Match

Naiirobii vs Venom

Naiirobii makes a dazzling entrance in her black leather bikini.
Her opponent: Venom strides confidently into the ring in a blue/green bikini.
The ladies entwine in a tangle of legs.
Evenly matched as they tussle; determined, stubborn and unwilling to give in.
Venom's icy stare to Naiirobii lets her know that she means business.
Naiirobii has deceptive strength considering her slight frame where Venom's power and intense concentration is there for all to see.
A compelling, psychological battle of wills is played out in the ring to the enjoyment of the fascinated audience.

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Approx 12 mins

Price £10
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Match 6
Pro-Style Tag Match

Eva & Pippa vs Lila & Shelby

Eva and Lila lock up first.
Wristlocks and arm bars are applied with loud applause from the crowd as they enjoy and embrace the holds.
A series of swift 2 counts evolve from the continuous manoeuvres as Eva and Lila conjure up a furious pace.
Pippa and Shelby are tagged in - a welcome sight as the two legendary wrestlers' get to grips.
They have tussled many times with each other over the years, with each feeling that they can overpower the other.
Their rivalry is as fierce as ever as they use the ropes in their initial exchanges.
A "low kick" from Shelby only stokes the fire as the intense action continues.
Pippa and Eva cleverly team up, resulting in a low blow dished out by Ms L'Vinn
to Lila as retaliation for a similarly questionable hold by Shelby previously.
A thrilling and exciting bout concludes the first part of the show.

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Approx 15 mins

Price £12
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See page 2 for second half matches......