Pippa L'Vinns
Frosty Fisticuffs Show
Second Half Downloads

All matches taken from the Frosty Fisticuffs show Dvd.
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Match 1
Pro-Style Match

Dominita vs Autumn Rose

Autumn Rose makes her first appearance of the show in a Christmas bikini.
From the opening bell, Dominita works on Rose's legs before a clever manoeuvre takes Dominita down to the canvas.
This becomes a battle of wills with Dominita's undoubted strength pitted against Rose's speed and agility.
The clash of styles leads to an intriguing fight with the audience gripped with the action within the ropes.
Dominita's bodyslam is absorbed by Autumn Rose whose confidence grows as the match progresses.
Another top notch bout !

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Approx 15 mins

Price £12
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Match 2
Mat-Style Match

 Naiirobii vs Laken

Both ladies size each other up in a fast opening exchange.
Naiirobii's witty banter is enjoyed by the crowd as Laken matches Naiirobii's powerful leg scissor holds with those of her own.
The in-ring rivalry between each warrior slowly builds like a pressure cooker as the women strive to command the ring.
A close and intense match develops into an unpredictable contest.

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Approx 14 mins

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Match 3
Mat-Style Match

Lottie vs Kelly

A battle of the blondes with Lottie in a black leather leotard versus Kelly wearing a yellow and leopard print bikini.
Kelly applies a headlock whilst seeking audience approval by asking: "Shall I hurt her ?".
An even paced bout develops with a friendly respect between both as Lottie kindly adjusts Kelly's bra to avoid a wardrobe malfunction.
The momentum of the fight increases as Kelly attempts to dominate proceedings.
Lottie is able to resist her opponent and gives as good as she gets, with a continuous smile throughout.
A very entertaining match with a sporting nature deployed by both women.

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Approx 13 mins

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Match 4
Pro-Style Match

Autumn Rose vs Rogue

After some pre-fight audience banter, the ladies lock up.
Rogue attacks Autumn Rose into a corner; Rose responds positively with a hip-toss and exchanges some slaps in the turnbuckle.
Both wrestlers make full use of the ring and speed, strength and tenacity is displayed.
Rogue almost gains a pin but Rose kicks out for a two-count.
Autumn Rose grabs the sanctuary of the ring ropes as Rogue ups her game with some ferocious holds.
Rose gathers momentum until a vicious clothesline sends her crashing to the floor.
Each time Rogue threatens to control the bout Autumn Rose digs deep to fend her off.
An excellent display of wrestling concludes with a wrist lock submission.

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Approx 14 mins

Price £12
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Match 5
Mat-Style Match

Raven vs Saskia

Raven - Sants's little helper - opposes Saskia in the show's penultimate match.
Exemplary leg work is deployed as they intertwine their limbs.
Raven's leg scissor hold causes major discomfort to Saskia.
The close up camera work shows the stubborn, defiant efforts that each woman applies as they grapple for ownership of the bout.
One audience member exclaims: "It's a real catfight !".
The contest progresses into a real test of strength and resilience with immense credit to both for such an excellent match.

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Approx 15 mins

Price £12
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Match 6
Pro-Style Match

Frosty Rumble

The show's climax starts with Pippa against Dominita with the remaining wrestlers encircling the ring.
A furious battle takes place - Dominita is spreadeagled in the turnbuckle as Pippa lands a low blow...Dominita reacts with an eye rake to floor Pippa.
Laken enters, followed at regular intervals by: Lottie, Eva, Autumn Rose, Raven, Saskia, Naiirobii and
Rogue, respectively, as every lady attempts to oust each other from the ring, leaving the remaining wrestler victorious.

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Approx 11 mins

Price £10
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